Saturday, July 2, 2011

Moms know best… and they love Bikram yoga

I often wish my body can be more flexible than it is now. Perhaps I won't feel as much the aches and pains that come whenever I do what I already consider extreme exercises :p

Still trying to decide though if I'm gonna try at least one class of Bikram Yoga soon!

Press Release:

Motherhood is a 24/7 job. Moms are devoted to taking care of others—husbands, children, and even pets—and managing the household. But no matter how busy a mom’s life is, it is important that they give themselves time to relax and unwind.

For moms-on-the-go Holly Wendt, Cathy Castañeda and Kaye Garcia, regular Bikram yoga practice has become “me” time. Bikram yoga is a total body workout and a form of relaxation for busy people like moms. Bikram yoga is practiced inside a heated studio, with a temperature of approximately 40 degrees Celsius. Each class runs exactly 90 minutes and consists of a series of 26 postures and two breathing exercises.

Holly, a former elementary teacher and mom to twin nine-year-old daughters, had been looking for an activity to compliment her running. Her family moved to different parts of the world because of her husband’s work. Finding a new activity proved a bit difficult, especially when the kids were younger.

“I have always wanted to try yoga, but I didn’t have the luxury of time then. I’ve tried Pilates and a few hatha yoga poses,” Holly said. “I saw a yoga studio in Houston before we moved to the country. And then I saw the newly opened studio in Alabang, so I grabbed the opportunity.”

While Holly learned about Bikram yoga herself, a friend brought Kaye along to one of her classes. A successful entrepreneur, Kaye is behind the label Hot Pink Lingerie, a leading retailer of fashionable yet comfortable intimate wear. She had just given birth and wanted to attain her ideal weight. “I’ve tried Barre3 and Baby yoga with my daughter and I was curious to see if Bikram is effective so I tried it,” Kaye said.

A friend also introduced full-time mom and homemaker Cathy to Bikram yoga. “I’ve already tried ashtanga and dynamic yoga forms, and took yoga classes at the gym. I wanted to see how Bikram yoga differs from other types of yoga.”

Bikram yoga for moms

“Bikram yoga is good for moms because yoga is about balance, which they need in their busy lives,” said Ginger Diaz, studio director of Bikram Yoga Alabang. “Because they’re focused on taking care of the family, they tend to forget paying attention to themselves.”

Cathy explains that managing a household can be as stressful as working in the corporate world. “Yes, you stay at home, but the chores are endless. Attending Bikram classes helps me relax and gives me time to think and reflect,” she said.

Aside from gaining balance, moms can also improve their flexibility and strength with Bikram yoga practice. “I’ve been a runner for 25 years now, and Bikram yoga has helped me become more flexible and has made me stronger. It really compliments my running,” Holly said.

Since Bikram yoga is practiced in a heated room, it can burn a lot of calories. “The heat makes the muscles more pliable, enabling practitioners to do the postures safely,” Ginger said. It is estimated that a 90-minute class can burn between 500 and 1,250 calories, but the value depends on the intensity of one’s practice, and varies from person to person.

For moms who gained weight during pregnancy, Bikram yoga is one of the best ways to shed the pounds. “I was desperate to lose some weight when I started doing Bikram yoga. I had just given birth then,” Kaye recalled. After attending a few classes, she found the practice beneficial.

Overcoming challenges, getting results

Like any other exercise or fitness regimen, Bikram yoga is quite challenging. “There were times I felt I had hurt myself while doing a certain pose,” Kaye said. “But I practice even more to overcome the discomfort and improve.”

Holly admits that the heat in the room can be challenge, along with maintaining concentration during poses. “I have made friends in class and gotten to know other people that have challenges and are overcoming them, and we all get to celebrate our achievements together.”

“It’s always a struggle knowing that you have to be physically and mentally prepared to do all the postures in a heated room,” Cathy said. Borrowing a line from one of her yoga instructors, she added, “You got to give 100 percent effort and integrity every time you practice Bikram yoga.”

Regular Bikram yoga practice has helped Holly tone her body, and she continues to work on her flexibility. “I have gained strength and finally have started to lose that ‘twin tummy’. I’ve learned how to continue to breathe and remain calm even when uncomfortable.” These positive results have made an impact in other aspects of her life. “I have more patience with my children and I am able to deal with stress better,” Holly observed.

Like Holly, Cathy said regular practice has led to a more positive mindset. “Aside from having a stronger and more flexible body, Bikram yoga teaches me to be calm even when things are going rough. It gave me a more optimistic outlook in life,” Cathy said.

Kaye has also improved her fitness level, and she’s realized that her primary goal is being healthy. “I’ve lost some weight and my clothes fit better but the most important benefit is my newfound respect for being healthy. Health is indeed the most important advantage of Bikram yoga,” she said.

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