Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Partners For Life, Now And Forever

Wow, men can get osteoporosis too! Please read on.

Press Release:

For years, Anlene has been the respected expert in bone nutrition and a dedicated advocate for bone health and the awareness of osteoporosis among women. This lifestyle crippling disease decreases bone density, making bones porous and susceptible to breakage. This results to significantly debilitating effects such as “pain, loss of movement, inability to perform daily chores, and in some cases, death.” The most common sites for fractures are the wrist, the hip and the spine.

Based on statistics, between two women amicably chatting over lunch, one of them will unfortunately be at risk for severe bone breakage after a seemingly minor fall or bump in their more advanced years.  Luckily for these women, Anlene’s insistent efforts to raise osteoporosis awareness have always been accompanied by proposed means for reducing risk. Together, these three keys can help reduce risk of osteoporosis: frequent exercise, a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet accompanied by Anlene.

Anlene is a formula milk that is rich in calcium and Vitamin D and has been proven to reduce the rate of bone loss among women. In fact, it only takes two full glasses a day to meet 100 % of the Philippine Calcium and Vitamin D requirements for mature adults—which is hardly an extra effort outside a woman’s daily diet.

However, recent findings have revealed that that the vulnerability to osteoporosis is not limited to women, and that it is no longer just a “woman’s disease.”  According to the International Osteoporosis Foundation, 1 out of 5 men over the age of 50 will suffer from an Osteoporotic fracture.  Locally, data on osteoporosis in men is limited, but Anlene Bone Health check results (from August 2011 to July 2012) revealed that 43 % of men (26-65yo) in the Philippines are at risk.  This implies that action to be taken for the early prevention of osteoporosis among men is just as urgent. For as men mature in age, their levels of testosterone decrease, resulting to gradual but significant bone thinning. Moreover, lifestyle habits such as smoking and alcohol consumption also more common to men have been found to result to bone loss, and the inhibition of calcium absorption and bone formation. 

RJ Ledesma having a bone health check
Notwithstanding, osteoporosis is still rarely among the first diagnoses doctors give to men. More common diseases such as cholesterol problems, heart disease, strokes, blood pressure, and prostate cancer always precede even the suspicion of osteoporosis, highlighting the need for doctors to be informed of the occurrence of the disease in men as well.   This awareness may help prevent the incidences of irreparable injury to men who are caught by surprise by fractured bones over minor accidents. If they are made aware in advance, the risk of fracturing bones over getting into an awkward position in sports, or over a clumsy move while tinkering around the garage is reduced.

Patricia and Vince Hizon
Now that women have their husbands to be concerned about for osteoporosis in addition to themselves, preventive action against the disease becomes increasingly important. Wives understand how much value their husbands give to their independence and to their physical mobility, and that these are factors essential to their wellbeing. Moreover, essential also to the wellbeing of their marriages are the activities they share, such as sports, travel, and even joint business ventures.  Many couples in fact credit much of the success of their marriages to their shared hobbies, and see this disease as a threat to the time they value and enjoy together. With the possibility of osteoporosis hanging over their heads, this special time they share and value may be cut short.

Thus, convinced that neither age, nor diseases like osteoporosis should prevent couples from living healthy, productive, and fulfilling lives—Anlene invites those who are partners for life to be its partner for life, now and forever.  

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