Press Release:
Acquatica, the newest water themed park at
Manila Ocean Park. Expand your horizon as Acquatica reveals its magic -
Maiden of the Sea. Prepare to get wet and be enthralled by the nightly extravaganza bringing you a thrilling show with live cast and dramatic multi-media effects: pyrotechnics, water jets, brilliant lasers, captivating music, and dramatic flaming bursts.
Maiden of the Sea is a “must see” attraction in Southeast Asia, offering fun, multi-sensory experience and ocean conservation. Get the chance to take a photo and admire live animals up close, be awestruck by their intelligence and charm in our live shows and exhibit. Refresh and invigorate with fresh sea breeze from Manila Bay, sparkling water from running water jets, and Jacuzzi in one of the bay area’s largest swimming pool open all day long!

What does it take to bring back the purity of a paradise? The answer is within us, locked within our hearts. In this parable staged with 2010 earth, light, water, air, and fire, an ill-stricken Lakandiwa, King of Tanimpala sends his three sons Anggapo, Gero, and Lapu-Lapu on a quest. He beseeches them saying: “Find me a cure to what is ill that begins with me. Go to the sea and seek until the wise one is found, with humble courage and honor to speak, until the answers to you are bound.” They dutifully obey and, risking peril, brave the very seas that their greed and avarice have angered. Fortune favors them. They wash upon the mystical shores of Sariyaya and meet Apo Seladdin, the wise old one. But Anggapo and Gero refuse to listen to the sage’s advice. They default instead to the same negative attitudes and practices that caused the rift between their land and the waters that sustained them.
Only the youngest son, Lapu-Lapu truly heeded his father’s words. He courageously and humbly opened his heart. His action was small but sincere, and it was enough. “Great things only open hearts can understand.” The story not only reveals a saga but also explores love and passion exemplified by its heroine Dalanggat, the Maiden of the Sea as she falls in love with Prince Lapu-Lapu. The Maiden of the Sea holds the cure to bring Tanimpala back to its former glory. It is our hope that this message inspires each individual to put the balance of things in place and restore the beauty of nature.
This event is brought to you by Johnson’s Baby which wants moms and kids to have the coolest and freshest summer of their lives, despite El Nino, as it launches the “Coolidays” Campaign. Enjoy Acquatica’s cool attractions by purchasing specially-marked Johnson’s Baby products this summer and get P50 off the price of an entrance ticket. Not only can moms and kids visit Acquatica, but visit as many times as they’d like!